Trip to Morocco-$450, Riding camels on the coast of Africa-Priceless

So, I made it to my 5th continent, only 2 more to go (only 1 if I decide Antarctica isn’t worth it). That’s pretty cool, having touched ground in 5/7 continents in 19 years of life, not too shabby.

To start, the travel there was sooooooo tiring. We basically had a full 24 hours of buses, planes, and layovers before we got there. Once we finally got there Friday night, we just ate dinner and went to bed, totally worn out from the traveling. Saturday, we had to get up way too early to get breakfast at 7 and leave by 8. Then we got on a bus to head to Chefchaouen (if only there was an “i” in there). About an hour into the trip, we make a stop for none other than to ride camels. It was a ton of fun, a little disappointing since we only got like a 30 second ride, but still. How many people get to say they rode a camel on the coast of Africa? From there we went to the Caves of Hercules, which were really pretty, there was a hole that looked out over the ocean, got some good pictures. After about 15 minutes there, we got back on the bus for the rest of the journey. Chefchaouen was gorgeous, everything was blue. Seriously, look at my pictures on Facebook or look it up on Google images, so much blue. We ate lunch there, starting with a salad that had a ton of onions, peppers, and tomatoes…but I loved the chicken that came next. Our tour was nice, it consisted of a lot of advertising but, still nice. We were gonna shop there, but our tour guides (4 really cute boys of course :P) found out there was a planned peaceful protest so they decided it’d be best to leave early just in case. So we headed back to the hotel, one of the guides did a magic show (card tricks, he was amazing), and we went to sleep.

Sunday we didn’t have to get breakfast till 8, so of course I woke up at 7:55. We left at 9 for Tetuan for another city tour and some shopping. Tetuan was closer so that was nice, and it as well was a gorgeous city. That tour also consisted of a lot of advertising, but it was fun and we learned about Moroccan culture. Lunch was amazing, I officially love couscous. The shops didn’t have quite as much as those in Chefchaouen (disappointing) but I still found things to buy of course. After shopping we headed to the bus to go to the ferry. From the ferry, we had a bus ride to Sevilla, then stayed in a hostel and went to the airport Monday morning. Missed my morning classes, but got home finally safe and sound.

It was a sad goodbye that came too soon, I wish I had more time to explore Morocco, but it was well worth the money. I had so much fun, made some new friends, and had took some great pictures. I will have to return some day.

Btw, Mom, you’d be proud, I’m not too picky an eater. I try everything that’s put in front of me and a lot of the time I even eat it all. 🙂 And no worries, my host mom is making sure I get my veggies (lots of broccoli because she knows I like it). Oh and I learned I like lentils.

Love you all, miss you all! Two months in, three more to go!!!

It was

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